Monday, April 14, 2008

Supernovaical Friendships

Over the past weekend I went away with some dear friends. It really made me realize how much I treasure friends and relationships and socialness. I realized we all felt that way based on some the things that happened over the course of the weekend. Everyone longs to be loved and accepted more than anything else ... is that fulfillment? I think overcoming differences, jealousy and hardships is necessary to truly love and be loved. That can be a lot easier to say than to do. We have to forgive as well as want to be forgiven. We also have to be accepting of traits in our friends that don't match up with our own viewpoints....try not to let our egos get in the way of love. True friends wont intentionally hurt each other. I'm thankful for my true friends and hope to and will continue to try do my best at being a true friend.

by the way....if your curious about supernovaical....look it up at

- Peace

Monday, March 31, 2008

ingenious art concept

Check out

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Is it spring yet?

I love winter and snow, calmness and closeness.... but I'm longing for spring - a time for new beginnings and being outdoors. Seems like the pace picks up a bit and chaos with our schedule increases but I'm ready for it. Here it is March 26 and there are patches of snow out my window. My kids & I are ready for bike rides, Bill & I can't wait to have a beer around the campfire, for baseball practice to start and the DQ to open! Spring in Manchester is great. We are going up to the camp for a weekend in April - outdoors, photography, friends, food and adventure : ) I'm so happy to be able to spend much quality time with Nicki & Brandon recently. Closing my business was a blessing in disguise. Life seems it is on the right track now. I have been interviewing for a new job recently and hopefully will be starting soon.

Peace, Robin